Andy Martello, Plate Spinning, Plate Spinner

Andy Martello, Plate Spinning, Plate Spinner
Plate Spinning for Fun & Profit!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Andy Martello & The El Rey Club on AMERICAN RESTORATION April 18th


Wednesday, Apr 18, 10/9c (7PM pst) King of Signs: TVPG

After 7 years of research, collecting, and writing, The El Rey Club will be getting national TV exposure on The History Channel. This appearance on the very popular, American Restoration, could be what FINALLY catches the eye of a prominent agent or publisher and gets my long-awaited book out into the world!

- Learn about the discovery of a vintage 1950s billboard from the long-gone casino in Searchlight, NV!

- Enjoy the story of Willie Martello's El Rey Club and how I became involved with this project!

- Marvel at the talents of Rick Dale and his crew as they literally bring a priceless piece of Nevada history back from the dead!

This is less about watching me on TV and more about getting this story told. The more people who watch this episode, the more it will be replayed and therefore, the better the chances that someone in the publishing world will see this and recognize the fascinating stories that my book has stored inside. I would not be able to buy this kind of advertising anywhere else. It means the world to me that you watch and spread the news.

Please share this event invitation, post pleas to watch the show on your social networking sites, email your friends—tell people about this! SOMEBODY out there knows SOMEBODY in the publishing world and with your help this show will lead them to my book.

American Restoration Website:

El Rey Posts at the Tales from Andy Land Blog:

El Rey Club Project Blog:

Details also at my fan page (Please LIKE)

Can't watch it LIVE? Set your DVR, download the show on iTunes, watch the episode on the American Restoration website. :)

For more information on booking Andy Martello, Corporate Plate Spinner, for your next event, please call 702-465-5604 or visit

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